Papillion Manor Papillion NE is a dedicated nursing home for short term rehab and long term care with 110 beds options in Papillion, Nebraska.
Nursing home in Papillion, Nebraska
Location: Papillion Manor, 610 S Polk St, Papillion, NE 68046
Phone: (402) 339-7700
Hours: Monday – Saturday : Open 24 Hours
Short term rehab/ Sub Acute Care Services
- Designed specifically for “resident-centered” care,
- Short-term rehabilitation facility provides an extensive range of rehabilitative services
- 24-hour skilled nursing care
- Maximize improvement of health and wellness
- Individually-focused care
- Living Options
Skilled Nursing / Long-Term Care
- 24-hour nursing care
- Extended medical and
- Rehabilitative services for seniors with complex medical conditions
- Rehabilitative therapies available to both nursing care residents and other members of the community
- Assisted living facilities
- Social activities, and recreational opportunities
- Personal Care